Blok Photo Studio

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Around The Blok. Vol 1. - Daniel Primero

Phoenix is the 6th largest city in America (Population: 1,563,025), so there's no shortage of talent across the valley. However, Phoenix does tend to have small-town vibe at times. In our new segment "Around The Blok" our goal is to spotlight individuals making an impact on the city's ever-growing creative community. Today, we are thrilled to feature Phoenix-based Photographer, Daniel Primero.

PHOTO BY: Daniel Primero

Favorite Camera: 

The Contax G2, people would argue that the autofocus is slow and inaccurate. Using the camera takes a bit of patience. The structure is exactly what I look for in a body, sturdy and simple. The camera partnered with its Carl Zeiss glass has been my go-to for a while now.

Favorite Lens: 

The Canon 24-70 2.8. Versatile, fast, and sharp. I don't really care to shoot anything lower than 2.8 and it's really nice to be able to have that option of an ultra wide and portrait lens in one. If I were to have one lens for the rest of my life, the 24-70 would be the choice.

PHOTO BY: Daniel Primero

What is photography to you: 

My Pops raised my siblings and I with a camera in his hand. So photography has a bit of a sentimental value to me and that’s how I got started. Other than that, photography is work and play. It’s what pays the bills, but also gives me some sort of solace.

Favorite aspect of Blok:

My favorite thing about Blok, besides the team that runs it, would have to be its versatility. I’ve had clients wanting natural light and strobe work in the same shoot. I’ve always been a big fan of natural light, and Blok has it. The early morning lighting the Van Buren studio offers has created some heavy contrasted and dramatic work. On the other hand, Blok has offered a great space for studio work. I’ve never had an issue with natural light leaking onto the subject when I’m working with strobes. The versatility of both Blok Studios is incredible.

PHOTO BY: Daniel Primero

If you weren't a photographer what would you be: 

If I weren’t a photographer, I’d probably still be somewhere in the creative field. If not, then I’d be some sort of small shop owner. I’ve always been into quality goods. My dream has been to have a small shop. Not to make a killing, but to have a place where my friends and I could kick it and talk about our days. A place where the neighborhood kids would come by just to hang out. That kind of hometown hub that you’d see in cinema.

PHOTO BY: Daniel Primero 

You can follow Daniel on Instagram HERE